
(from my previous academic career as a social scientist)


(Click the title for the abstract)

In this paper, we investigate whether voters hold local politicians accountable for the performance of local schools. We examine this effect for the 2013 and 2017 Danish local elections using register data and polling station-level voting records. We find robust evidence of retrospective voting from pooled and fixed effects estimations. Exploiting the micro-level character of our data, we present evidence that higher-income citizens are more sensitive to changes in school performance, while other demographic and political characteristics do not appear to have mattered.

Populism and Inequality: Does Reality Match the Populist Rhetoric?  Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Volume 207, March 2023, 1-17

with Andrea Sáenz de Viteri, Martin Rode, Christian Bjørnskov 

Populists since the Roman Republic have argued for redistribution from an elite to ordinary people and depicted themselves as the true representative of the ‘people’. However, very little research has explored whether populists actually affect the distribution of income or consumption when in power. The present paper therefore asks, whether populists administrations actually achieve redistribution. After a short theoretical discussion, our empirical strategy combines new data on populism in Latin America and the Caribbean with information on income and consumption inequality since 1970. Estimates suggest that populist governments in the region generally have achieved no redistribution, leading us to conclude that the redistributive aims of populists are mainly empty rhetoric.

This article uses multilevel analysis of 24 European countries to examine the effects of macroeconomic variables (GDP and unemployment) and welfare state interventions (active and passive labour market policies) on job insecurity and job quality in Europe from the mid-1990s until the last 2021 COVID crisis. The paper makes a distinction between the crisis of the welfare state and the reaction of welfare states to crises and connects the job quality literature with that on the transformation of the welfare state. The article introduces several innovations to the literature by looking at the impact of welfare state interventions on multidimensional job quality, distinguishing between different types of active labour market policy spending and considering the generosity of benefits. The findings show that active labour market policies (ALMPs) and passive labour market policies (PLMPs) have a positive effect in reducing job insecurity across skill groups. ALMPs and PLMPs also improved several dimensions of job quality, but mostly among manual/low-skilled workers, while they have a negative effect on work pressure which mostly affects medium- and high-skilled workers. The article concludes by discussing how, due to the reach of ALMP and PLMP interventions, the positive effects of the welfare state on job quality are concentrated among lower-skilled workers, thereby limiting the ambition of contemporary welfare states to generate positive spillover effects on the quality of work for all workers.

Practical Examples for the Basics of Mathematics, Logic and Statistics for Sociology and Other Social Sciences, Karolinum, Charles University Press, 2019 & 2021 (2nd ed.) 

(In Czech: “Základy matematiky, logiky a statistiky pro sociologii a ostatní společenské vědy v příkladech”), with J. Hendl, M. Moldan, T. Ranošová, J. Siegl, and J. Žáček

Introductory textbook for courses at Institutes of Political Science and Sociological Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University

Official annotation of the 2nd edition: 

This textbook, intended for students of fields which are not primarily focused on mathematics, covers the basics of university mathematics, logic, sets, Boolean algebra and probability theory. The second half of the book focuses on descriptive and inductive statistics. All chapters include exercises with solutions. Students can practice and verify their knowledge of the covered material using multiple choice questions and many other types of exercises with key. The book also includes an overview of formulas. No previous knowledge is expected, however, the exposition sometimes builds on mathematical skills covered in elementary and secondary school.

Smoking Czechs: Modelling Tobacco Consumption and Taxation, Prague Economic Papers, 2019, 28(1), 3-29. 

with Karel Janda

(pre PhD - based on my BA thesis)

We model the future tobacco consumption, size of smoking population and governmental tax revenues in the Czech Republic. The main model assumption states that smokers determine their future tobacco consumption behaviour as adolescents. Further assumptions make the model applicable to the data from the Czech National Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. Future teenage smoking rates and average consumption are the inputs to the model; consumption growth coefficients for each age category are estimated using zero-inflated negative binomial regression. Several scenarios are built to model possible developments, including extreme cases. All our scenarios show that all model outcomes are going to grow until 2028 in a very similar pattern. In particular, the projected number of smokers in 2028 is by 4-8% higher than in 2013, the total daily tobacco consumption and tax revenue by 7-26%. This increase is induced by ageing of large birth cohorts.